About Yuli
"At the deepest level, the creative process and the healing process arise from a single source. .
When you are an artist, you are a healer; a wordless trust of the same mystery is the foundation of your work and its integrity."
- Rachel Naomi Remen
Who is Yuli Anun? & where does that name come from? Yuli Anun means “Dear One, Brighter Than a Thousand Suns.” The name was given to her through a very prolific Spiritual experience in which her consciousness expanded and her whole life was transformed. Yuli was born in Alexandria, VA as Jennifer Gleason and has lead a rather nomadic lifestyle up to this point. Through her sojourn, Yuli’s Spiritual connection has strengthened through life lessons learned through time… But who is Yuli? First and foremost, Yuli is a Spiritualist and, admittedly, is about as authentic and “woo woo” as they get! She is a devoted healer thru intuitive visual arts, vibrational sound therapy, energy healing, thru loving & by simply BE-ing and inspiring others to BE also. She is an intuitive visual artist/storyteller, a visionary, an art therapy life coach, a vibrational sound healer, Reiki Master Teacher and so many other wonderful things!
About the ART:
Yuli’s artwork mirrors the darkness & the light within our souls – It is a double-edged sword of Truth and Light that slices thru the fog of Human Consciousness and turns up the volume of the frequency of humanity in creation of a new paradigm on earth. Through surrealistic imagery bearing deeply metaphorical messages, Yuli plays the role of both the Scribe & the Guide as she gently takes us by the hand and leads us on a journey of self discovery… To See the Story Unheard. Her work has a tender quality that gives depth & a feeling of nuance. Although her subject matter is of a very personal nature, she holds a little back which draws the viewer to question meaning to a greater extent – & thus more of ourselves is revealed.
In facing her inner shadows & tending to her inner landscape, Yuli developed an awareness & realization of how much she relied on art for its healing nature & how, in creating her artwork, she was not only healing herself, but also helping to heal others. She developed a passion for storytelling & is dedicated to the healing power of art & raising awareness about how art enhances the well-being of individuals, society and the environment. It is this passion that lead her to complete her certification as a Certified Art Therapy Life Coach.
Inspired greatly by nature & her strong connection to Source, Yuli creates intuitively from “messages & visions” received in dreams, meditation & walks in the forest. Although her passion lies in visual storytelling through the photographic arts & digital effects, Yuli is a bit of a renaissance woman & is evolving into more of a mixed-medium artist. Primarily, each of her images is comprised of multiple photographs including self-portraits that are composited together with a myriad of digital effects & artfully blended with textures, giving her work a painterly aesthetic. She calls upon her innate talents in fabrication as needed to create various props, headpieces, wardrobe, & art embellishments such as islands made of wooden matchsticks, armored chiropractic spines, red stands of DNA fortified by little wooden manikins, & honeycomb made from toothpicks. This helps to sprinkle in a sense of whimsy to an otherwise weighty subject matter. Yuli then prints the artwork with archival pigment inks onto fine art cotton rag paper & dry-mounts them onto hand-aged wood panels. Once mounted, she hand-embellishes them to further emphasize their painterly qualities & to infuse each piece with the frequencies of love & healing energies through the laying on of hands as well as the infusion of sound frequencies of her voice, crystal singing bowls tuned & various other instruments.
She now unites her two loves, art & music/sound, to provide a more immersive & personal experience for the public through holding events at wellness centers & in homes around throughout Virginia, Georgia & Ohio areas & everywhere in-between. The positive meditative experience as well as the infused energies of the artwork are anchored & integrated into the participants for a longer lasting healing experience.
Yuli currently resides in the Virginia Beach, VA area. Her artwork has been exhibited locally, regionally, nationally & internationally & has been published in several web-based & print publications.
To keep up with Yuli & her adventures & soul lessons, follow her on FB @YuliArts&SolarRayWellness & on Instagram @_Yuli_Arts as well as @SolarRayWellness
"Sound is the force of creation, the true whole. Music then, becomes the voice of the great cosmic oneness and therefore the optimal way to reach this final state of healing."
– Hazrat Inayat Khan